History of Art R1B, Fall 2005, UC Berkeley

Reading and Writing about Visual Experience: Art & Technology - Word & Image - Orality & Literacy

This blog will serve as a bulletin board for Sect. 1 of History of Art R1B, taught by Marisa Olson
Course Mtgs: Tues./Thurs., 8-9:30am, 425 Doe // Office Hrs.: Thurs. 10am-12pm, and by appt, 6220 Dwinelle

Contact: marisa (at) marisaolson.com

Monday, September 05, 2005

Let's Not Forget About the Art...

Hello. Happy Labor Day! I wanted to check-in with a message about looking at art. Let's not forget that your writing assignments will focus on interpreting art, so it's hardly too soon to start looking at work that might interest you. To get started, you can peruse Christiane Paul's & Rachel Greene's books, and there are also a few places to look online. I'll be bringing in videos and walking you through net art pieces, in class, throughout the semester. For now, I'd say take a peek at this online exhibit I curated, called Net.Narrative, which includes eight pieces of internet-based art that play with image and text in interesting ways. (The show was about how internet art expands our definitions of "narrative.") I also highly recommend that you get a free membership at Rhizome (where I happen to work when I'm not teaching). When you do so, you can browse the Artbase, a database of new media art projects, organized by themes and keywords, and you can look through the archives of Net Art News, an email-based publication about new media which will point you to a number of art projects and exhibits. You can also sign-up to receive Net Art News, or other Rhizome publications, via email, if you'd like.

Update: Kat said that she had trouble accessing the site for Net.Narrative. Try clicking on this link, and if it doesn't work, try copying the address into your browser... http://www.sfcamerawork.org/past_exhibits/netnarrative.html