History of Art R1B, Fall 2005, UC Berkeley

Reading and Writing about Visual Experience: Art & Technology - Word & Image - Orality & Literacy

This blog will serve as a bulletin board for Sect. 1 of History of Art R1B, taught by Marisa Olson
Course Mtgs: Tues./Thurs., 8-9:30am, 425 Doe // Office Hrs.: Thurs. 10am-12pm, and by appt, 6220 Dwinelle

Contact: marisa (at) marisaolson.com

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Update-Diagnostic Essay

Alex wrote me with a good question... He asked whether you should turn in a color copy of the image you are analyzing in your papers. I would like a copy of the image. It doesn't have to be a color copy, but I strongly prefer it, especially if you are going to analyze color elements. I hope that the assignment is going well for all of you, Please feel free to write me if you are having difficulty.