History of Art R1B, Fall 2005, UC Berkeley

Reading and Writing about Visual Experience: Art & Technology - Word & Image - Orality & Literacy

This blog will serve as a bulletin board for Sect. 1 of History of Art R1B, taught by Marisa Olson
Course Mtgs: Tues./Thurs., 8-9:30am, 425 Doe // Office Hrs.: Thurs. 10am-12pm, and by appt, 6220 Dwinelle

Contact: marisa (at) marisaolson.com

Monday, October 24, 2005


I wanted to remind all of you that I have a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism. I outlined this on the syllabus, in the section on course policies, which is also posted on this blog, here. Also in the syllabus and on the blog is a link to a University of California page outlinining what constitutes plagiarism and what the consequences are. Once more, this outline is here and the following expresses the consequences of plagiarism:

D. What are the consequences if I get caught plagiarizing?

If you get caught plagiarizing, your professor has several options. After meeting with you to hear your side, he/she may choose to resolve the matter informally by giving you a failing grade on the assignment to giving you a failing grade in the course. Your professor can choose to formally charge you with academic misconduct by referring your case to the Office of Student Conduct and to the Dean of your college. After your case is heard by the OSC or dean, administrative action may be taken against you which can, in rare cases, include expulsion.

I hope you see that this is a serious matter.