History of Art R1B, Fall 2005, UC Berkeley

Reading and Writing about Visual Experience: Art & Technology - Word & Image - Orality & Literacy

This blog will serve as a bulletin board for Sect. 1 of History of Art R1B, taught by Marisa Olson
Course Mtgs: Tues./Thurs., 8-9:30am, 425 Doe // Office Hrs.: Thurs. 10am-12pm, and by appt, 6220 Dwinelle

Contact: marisa (at) marisaolson.com

Monday, November 14, 2005

Game Day!

Hi there! Tomorrow should be fun. It's our last day of discussing any theoretical readings and we'll be talking about video games... I would like us to discuss video games, in general, and then to discuss artists who use video games in their work. The following are a few artists (among MANY) who do so:

Anne-Marie Schleiner
Brody Condon
Eddo Stern
Paul Johnson
Cory Arcangel
Paul Slocum
Radical Software Group

Note: If you dig around for even a moment, you'll discover that many of these artists have collaborated with each other on various projects... sort of a multiplayer approach to art-making...

We will also touch on the history of Intro's/Demo's and Machinema (sometimes spelled Machinima).