History of Art R1B, Fall 2005, UC Berkeley

Reading and Writing about Visual Experience: Art & Technology - Word & Image - Orality & Literacy

This blog will serve as a bulletin board for Sect. 1 of History of Art R1B, taught by Marisa Olson
Course Mtgs: Tues./Thurs., 8-9:30am, 425 Doe // Office Hrs.: Thurs. 10am-12pm, and by appt, 6220 Dwinelle

Contact: marisa (at) marisaolson.com

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tactical Media

Hi. As a reminder, tomorrow we'll be discussing the tactical media projects of Critical Art Ensemble, and considering these writings by the group:
"The Virtual Condition," the intro to The Electronic Disturbance;
"Electronic Civil Disobedience," the first chapter from the book of the same name;
"Electronic Civil Disobedience, Simulation, and the Public Sphere," from Digital Resistance;
"Contestational Biology," the intro to Molecular Invasion

Time permitting, we will also discuss work by these artists:
The Yes Men
http://0100101110101101.org/ (see Nike Ground)
Institute for Applied Autonomy (see GraffitiWriter)
Bureau of Inverse Technology (BIT) (see Suicide Box)
Carbon Defense League (see Re-Code)
Surveillance Camera Players
Finishing School
Center for Tactical Magic

Of course, time won't really permit us to look at all of these, but if you become interested in the topics of tactical media and hacktivism, I recommend researching these artists.

I also encourage you to visit the website of the Critical Art Ensemble Legal Defense Fund and making yourself familiar with the details of the federal case against CAE member Steve Kurtz and one of his colleagues.